120 research outputs found

    Movies and meaning: from low-level features to mind reading

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    When dealing with movies, closing the tremendous discontinuity between low-level features and the richness of semantics in the viewers' cognitive processes, requires a variety of approaches and different perspectives. For instance when attempting to relate movie content to users' affective responses, previous work suggests that a direct mapping of audio-visual properties into elicited emotions is difficult, due to the high variability of individual reactions. To reduce the gap between the objective level of features and the subjective sphere of emotions, we exploit the intermediate representation of the connotative properties of movies: the set of shooting and editing conventions that help in transmitting meaning to the audience. One of these stylistic feature, the shot scale, i.e. the distance of the camera from the subject, effectively regulates theory of mind, indicating that increasing spatial proximity to the character triggers higher occurrence of mental state references in viewers' story descriptions. Movies are also becoming an important stimuli employed in neural decoding, an ambitious line of research within contemporary neuroscience aiming at "mindreading". In this field we address the challenge of producing decoding models for the reconstruction of perceptual contents by combining fMRI data and deep features in a hybrid model able to predict specific video object classes

    Who is the director of this movie? Automatic style recognition based on shot features

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    We show how low-level formal features, such as shot duration, meant as length of camera takes, and shot scale, i.e. the distance between the camera and the subject, are distinctive of a director's style in art movies. So far such features were thought of not having enough varieties to become distinctive of an author. However our investigation on the full filmographies of six different authors (Scorsese, Godard, Tarr, Fellini, Antonioni, and Bergman) for a total number of 120 movies analysed second by second, confirms that these shot-related features do not appear as random patterns in movies from the same director. For feature extraction we adopt methods based on both conventional and deep learning techniques. Our findings suggest that feature sequential patterns, i.e. how features evolve in time, are at least as important as the related feature distributions. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study dealing with automatic attribution of movie authorship, which opens up interesting lines of cross-disciplinary research on the impact of style on the aesthetic and emotional effects on the viewers

    Hierarchical Structuring of Video Previews by Leading-Cluster-Analysis

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    3noClustering of shots is frequently used for accessing video data and enabling quick grasping of the associated content. In this work we first group video shots by a classic hierarchical algorithm, where shot content is described by a codebook of visual words and different codebooks are compared by a suitable measure of distortion. To deal with the high number of levels in a hierarchical tree, a novel procedure of Leading-Cluster-Analysis is then proposed to extract a reduced set of hierarchically arranged previews. The depth of the obtained structure is driven both from the nature of the visual content information, and by the user needs, who can navigate the obtained video previews at various levels of representation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by extensive tests and comparisons carried out on a large collection of video data. of digital videos has not been accompanied by a parallel increase in its accessibility. In this context, video abstraction techniques may represent a key components of a practical video management system: indeed a condensed video may be effective for a quick browsing or retrieval tasks. A commonly accepted type of abstract for generic videos does not exist yet, and the solutions investigated so far depend usually on the nature and the genre of video data.openopenBenini, Sergio; Migliorati, Pierangelo; Leonardi, RiccardoBenini, Sergio; Migliorati, Pierangelo; Leonardi, Riccard

    Affective Recommendation of Movies Based on Selected Connotative Features

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    The apparent difficulty in assessing emotions elicited by movies and the undeniable high variability in subjects emotional responses to filmic content have been recently tackled by exploring film connotative properties: the set of shooting and editing conventions that help in transmitting meaning to the audience. Connotation provides an intermediate representation which exploits the objectivity of audiovisual descriptors to predict the subjective emotional reaction of single users. This is done without the need of registering users physiological signals neither by employing other people highly variable emotional rates, but just relying on the inter-subjectivity of connotative concepts and on the knowledge of users reactions to similar stimuli. This work extends previous by extracting audiovisual and film grammar descriptors and, driven by users rates on connotative properties, creates a shared framework where movie scenes are placed, compared and recommended according to connotation. We evaluate the potential of the proposed system by asking users to assess the ability of connotation in suggesting filmic content able to target their affective requests

    Retrieval of video story units by Markov entropy rate

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    In this paper we propose a method to retrieve video stories from a database. Given a sample story unit, i.e., a series of contiguous and semantically related shots, the most similar clips are retrieved and ranked. Similarity is evaluated on the story structures, and it depends on the number of expressed visual concepts and the pattern in which they appear inside the story. Hidden Markov models are used to represent story units, and Markov entropy rate is adopted as a compact index for evaluating structure similarity. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on a large video set from different kinds of programmes, and results are evaluated by a developed prototype system for story unit retrieval

    Statistical Skimming of Feature Films

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    We present a statistical framework based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for skimming feature films. A chain of HMMs is used to model subsequent story units: HMM states represent different visual-concepts, transitions model the temporal dependencies in each story unit, and stochastic observations are given by single shots. The skim is generated as an observation sequence, where, in order to privilege more informative segments for entering the skim, shots are assigned higher probability of observation if endowed with salient features related to specific film genres. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by skimming the first thirty minutes of a wide set of action and dramatic movies, in order to create previews for users useful for assessing whether they would like to see that movie or not, but without revealing the movie central part and plot details. Results are evaluated and compared through extensive user tests in terms of metrics that estimate the content representational value of the obtained video skims and their utility for assessing the user's interest in the observed movie


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    In this work we present a method for video skimming based on hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and motion activity. Specifically, a set of HMMs is used to model subsequent log- ical story units, where the HMM states represent different visual-concepts, the transitions model the temporal dependencies in each story unit, and stochastic observations are given by single shots. The video skim is generated as an observation sequence, where, in order to privilege more informa- tive segments for entering the skim, dynamic shots are assigned higher probability of observation. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated on a video set from different kinds of programmes, and results are evaluated in terms of metrics that measure the content representational value of the obtained video skims

    Multimodal Space for Rushes Representation and Retrieval

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    In video content analysis, growing research effort aims at characterising a specific type of unedited content, called rushes. This raw material, used by broadcasters and film studios for editing video programmes, usually lies un-annotated in a huge database. In this work we aim at retrieving a desired type of rush by representing the whole database content in a multimodal space. Each rush content is mapped into a trajectory whose coordinates are connected to multimodal features and filming techniques used by cameramen while shooting. The trajectory evolution over time provides a strong characterisation of the video, so that different types of rushes are located into different regions of the multimodal space. The ability of the proposed method has been tested by retrieving similar rushes from a large database provided by EiTB, the Basque Country main broadcaster

    Emotional Identity of Movies

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    4noIn the field of multimedia analysis, attempts that lead to an emotional characterization of content have been proposed. In this work we aim at defining the emotional identity of a feature movie by positioning it into an emotional space, as if it was a piece of art. The multimedia content is mapped into a trajectory whose coordinates are connected to filming and cinematographic techniques used by directors to convey emotions. The trajectory evolution over time provides a strong characterization of the movie, by locating different movies into different regions of the emotional space. The ability of this tool in characterizing content has been tested by retrieving emotionally similar movies from a large database, using IMDb genre classification for the evaluation of results.partially_openpartially_openL. CANINI; S. BENINI; P. MIGLIORATI; R. LEONARDICanini, Luca; Benini, Sergio; Migliorati, Pierangelo; Leonardi, Riccard
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